WDFW Sportfishing Rule Change Update

The WDFW and the Fish & Wildlife Commission are having their final meeting about the proposed winter steelhead fishing rules for the Olympic Peninsula. It is Friday, December 11th and it starts at 8am.

Public input is short this time and will begin around 8:15

This meeting is more about showing the commission who is willing to take the time and show up.


Meeting place:

Northwest Maritime Center

431 Water Street

Port Townsend, WA 98368



Friday December 11th at 8am



Summary from the November meeting in Olympia: Compiled from the written comments received from citizens.


Proposal #1: No bait during the spring steelhead season.

This proposal had a ratio of 10% against to 90% for the no bait restrictions.


Proposal #2: No kill, catch & release on native steelhead and rainbow trout.

This proposal also had a 10% / 90% ratio in favor of no kill.


Proposal #3: No fishing from boats in the upper Hoh above Morgan’s Crossing.

This proposal was split 50 / 50


P #1 – This rule is to help protect the juvenile fish in the rivers also. Still some push-back from a few guides who refuse to give up any and all ways to be ultra-efficient and effective every day of every season.


P #2 – Another rule that is long overdue, and the overwhelming ratio of support proves it is

time to join the rest of the northwest and Canada and stop killing native steelhead.

If the right remains to kill one fish per year, and maybe becomes a tag system like elk

hunting, then perhaps that angler should be done fishing for the rest of the season.


P #3 – This proposal was only for the short stretch of river above Morgan’s Crossing and still

every guide that testified at the November meeting was against it. The next put-in

above Morgan’s is washed out now anyway. Very few of the guides went up there.

It seemed perhaps they were afraid of the precedent it may create.

This is the best and most equal of all the proposals. It treats all anglers the same,

whether they are drifting corkies, floats & jigs, beads or glo bugs with strike

indicators. Most of the fly fishing guiding anymore is the same as side drifting with

gear. It is just as deadly (sometimes more) and has turned our sport into a numbers

game where native steelhead are considered the same as hatchery coho or triploid

trout. This is supposed to be about the fish! It’s not about how easy it should be at all

times to be the most productive and dominate every fishery every month of the year.

This proposal, especially if expanded to more rivers and more river miles, could be

the best thing for our winter steelhead fishery. It will decrease the encounter rates

which now are much too high. It will give the fish some refuge and places to hide

where anglers in boats can’t get right on top of them every day. It will give the bank

anglers more areas where they will not be subjected to the constant parade of boats

and guides. It will increase the enjoyment and the anglers experience.

It will be good for the fish!!


We will have to wait until December 11 or 12   for the commissions decision.

Will they do the right thing this time?







Upcoming Events!

We’re getting into the busy season here, and we’ve got quite a few events planned for the next few months!

First off, the boys at OPST are coming to the shop on Dec 19th @ 1pm do a free tying demo! Not something you’ll want to miss. And we’ll have free beer. If you want good beer you’ll have to bring your own, but should be a good time. If you haven’t seen any of their videos yet, you should.


We’ve got one more Spey Casting Class for 2015 on Dec 12th with only one more spot available. So make your move if you want to join! (360) 417-0937


Otherwise we’ve got a bunch of new classes, both fishing and tying, coming up for 2016! Here is what we’re looking for January and February!


Spey Casting Classes

Learn to spey cast on a local river in this full day class. You’ll meet up with head guide Curt Reed at either the Elwha or one of the West End rivers and learn all of the basics, or fine tune your current casts! We provide the rods and reels, but feel free to bring your own. You will need to bring a lunch and your waders.


Time : 9-3ish

Place: Elwha River under the Pedestrian Bridge off of Crown Z Road in Port Angeles

Dates: December 12th 2015, January 9th 2016, January 30th, February 13th

Cost: $95


FREE Tying Demo on Saturdays

Stop on by the shop to pick up some new tips and tricks for tying or a demo of our hottest patterns! Every Saturday will be something different from dubbing loops, palmering hackles, UV products, and splitting and wrapping feathers.


Time: 10am

Date: Saturdays starting January 9th

Cost: Free


Fly Tying Course

Three classes per course. Both the Beginner and Steelhead course will teach a variety of tying techniques giving you the foundation you need to tie whatever your heart desires, and you’ll walk away with flies that are tried and true for the fish of the Olympic Peninsula!


Time:@ 3-5:30 or 6-8:30

Dates: Beginner Classes: Wednesdays January 6th, 13th, and 20th 2016

Steelhead Classes: Thursdays January 7th, 14th, and 21st 2016

Cost: $60 for the three classes including the materials!



Give us a call, send an email, or go online to sign up for any of these!



OPportunity to comment on Rule Changes

Olympic Peninsula Sportfishing Rule Changes

There is an OPportunity (get it?!) to comment on Sportfishing rule changes on the Olympic Peninsula. You’ve got two days left to read, and comment on the proposed WDFW rule changes. These rules would directly impact wild steelhead…hence our concern. The simplest and most comprehensive take on these rule changes is on Trout Unlimited’s website :


TWO DAYS! This is such an easy thing to do and has a real chance at helping the future of wild steelhead. There has been so much written on this subject by incredibly talented and educated fishermen and writers, I will not try to do it justice here. It is something you should look into though. Here is a great article by Bill Herzog, a renown steelhead fisherman, to get you started.


Take a few minutes to leave a comment.

For an opportunity to give public testimony on these rule proposals, be sure to attend the WDFW Commission Meeting on November 14 at 8 a.m.

What: WDFW Commission Meeting

When: November 14th, 8:00 am

Where: Natural Resources Building
1111 Washington St SE
Olympia WA 98501
First Floor, Room 172





Waters West Spey Day!

Waters West 1st Annual Spey Day:

We’re just under a week away from the Spey Day! We’ve had an awesome response for this event, and really appreciate all those who are coming out for it. We’re pretty excited to get out there and drink some beer and cast. We just wanted to remind everyone of a few things, and mainly to carpool if you can. We’ve had a lot more RSVP’s than we expected and parking is limited. We promise we’ll get a bigger venue next time, but this time around we’re gunna get cozy. Just a few other things about the event.

  • Bring your waders and boots! If you’re looking to try stuff out don’t leave these at home!
  • Do not bring any flies! The Elwha is still closed to fishing.
  • Bring your WDFW Vehicle Pass (included in purchase of license) or Discover Pass
  • Carpool! There has been more RSVP’s than we expected, but the more the merrier!
  • Bring CASH for food and beverages. The event is still free, but if you want some grub you’ll need cash. There’s an upcharge on credit cards.
  • Take Laird Road to Elwha River Road to access Crown Z Rd. The turn off of 112 is tight and generally requires a 3 point turn. Do-able, but to keep things running smoothly take Laird and watch for Crown Z road on your left. It’s a narrow road, so be cautious.
  • We are doing this thing rain or shine! Bring a rain jacket so we don’t have to use it.


Bring a lawn chair, cast some different setups, try out the NEW lineup for 2016, ask lots of questions, eat some awesome food, and just hang out!



When: Sunday, October 4th   from 10-4pm

Where: Under the Pedestrian Bridge on the Elwha. From Port Angeles take 101 heading West. Turn right on Laird Rd(before 112.) Continue about ¼ mile, then turn left on Elwha River Rd for about ¼ mile left on Crown Z water Rd. Park under bridge. For the tech-savvy, just type in Crown Z Water Rd in Port Angeles, WA and you’ll see us down the road.

Cost: FREE! If you want some grub it’s $5 a plate and $2 for beverage.

RSVP: Shoot us an email at info@waterswest.com or call (360) 417-0937 with the number of people that will be coming so we can plan for food.


Yipee o kiyay mo fo’s our rivers are now open again! GET OUT THERE!

The weather Gods have finally got it together and they sent us a good shot of rain and some much needed cooler weather.

The Quillayute system, including the Lower Sol Duc (below concrete pump at state salmon hatchery),Lower Bogachiel (below 101), Lower Calawah (below 101) and Dickey rivers are now  open outside of Olympic National Park. All of the rivers inside the park are still closed for now, but we do hope they will open the upper rivers for trout fishing. As I write this on Thursday afternoon the rivers are in prime shape and this will be a great weekend to target searun cutthroats. This is the first rain in a long time and the cutties were waiting for this freshet to storm into the rivers. They should be as dumb as dirt and eat most anything, but it is October Caddis time and the termites will be out on the next warm day, so fish your dry line and dry flies and hang on.

The summer steelhead in the Calawah and Bogachiel should be near suicidal and willing to eat most anything, but here again, it is dry line and dry fly time. Skate Bombers, Grease Liners, Muddlers and maybe even an old pencil stub and they should rise to your offering.

The Sol Duc will have plenty of salmon too right now, mostly cohos. Fish it before it gets too low again for the best success.

The Hoh River is often the place to be in September. It is a good month for summer steelhead and there will be plenty of early coho in there too. The river is under selective gear rules this September and until further notice. This means no bait and single barbless hooks for the entire river. The reason is to encourage people to not fish for the few king salmon that are there.

Except for one or two spots the rivers will be quite uncrowded right now. One could walk miles of the Sol Duc, Bogachiel or Calawah and not see a soul all day. Very few actually take advantage of the great cutthroat fishing that is happening right now. Grab your 5 weight, a few dries and a few streamers, and hit the water.

Waters West 1st Annual Spey Day


 Waters West First Annual Spey Day!

*The Elwha is still closed to fishing. We will be casting with yarn at this event. Please do NOT bring any flies.*


Come hang out with us on the Elwha and check out some of the newest and coolest spey gear on the market! We’ll be bringing out an assortment of different rods, reels, lines, leaders, and other gear to test out. Just few of the new things that will be there:

Sage’s Pulse Spey Rod20150828_162609

Redington’s Chromer Spey Rod


Redington’s Behemoth Reelbehemoth

RIO’s new Spey LinesInTouch_Spey_LongHeadSpey_2016

We’ll have a bit of everything, old and new, to test out. From long belly lines to the OPST Commando Heads, you’ll have a chance to actually try this stuff out rather than just watching the videos.

We’ll also have a BBQ going for $5 a plate and it’s not a fishing outing unless there is beer, right?!

Bring a lawn chair, cast some different setups, try out the NEW lineup for 2016, ask lots of questions, eat some awesome food, and just hang out!


When: Sunday, October 4th   from 10-4pm

Where: Under the Pedestrian Bridge on the Elwha. From Port Angeles take 101 heading West. Turn right on Laird Rd(before 112.) Continue about ¼ mile, then turn left on Elwha River Rd for about ¼ mile left on Crown Z water Rd. Park under bridge. For the tech-savvy, just type in Crown Z Water Rd, Port Angeles and you’ll see us down the road.

Cost: FREE! If you want some grub it’s $5 a plate and $2 for beverage.

RSVP: Shoot us an email at info@waterswest.com or call (360) 417-0937 with the number of people that will be coming so we can plan for food.

*The Elwha is still closed to fishing. We will be casting with yarn at this event. Please do NOT bring any flies.*




We’ve been getting a lot of requests for more fishing class dates, so here they are!


Spey Casting Classes:

Dates: May 30th, June 27th, July 25th, August 29th, September 26th.

Time: 9am-3pm

Where: On a river

Cost: $95.00


Beginners Class: This half day crash course will jump start you into this life-long sport. Lots of emphasis on casting, line control, and presentation. You’ll have a good chance at catching a fish too!

Dates: Saturday, June 20th 2015, Saturday, July 29th 2015, Saturday, August 22nd   2015

Time: 1-4pm

Where: Local Pond

Cost: $55.00


Casting Clinic: Single-handed rod casting a little rusty? Go casting (at a pond with fish…) with Curt to work out some of those bad habits.

Dates: Sunday, June 7th 2015, Sunday, July 12th 2015, Sunday, August 9th 2015

Time: 2-5pm

Where: Local Pond



Individual Instruction: There is nothing like one-on-one time to accelerate your learning. This can be booked anytime, for any kind of instruction, just contact us.


$30/hour for single-hand instruction at lincoln park or somewhere else close by

$40/hour for spey instruction (2 hour minimum) on the water.



Free Tying Classes

We still have some spots open for the free tying classes!

This Saturday (May 23rd) we’re tying up some sea-run cutthroat flies.

May 30th and June 6th we’re going to switch over to lake flies since Crescent is opening up on the 1st!

Give us a call or email to sign up!


Phone: (360) 417-0937

Email: info@waterswest.com


Fly Tying Class Schedule

We have quite a few classes lined up for the next 6 Saturdays! As usual, these are all free. Bring what you can (vise, bobbin, scissors, thread, etc.), otherwise let us know and we can provide what you need. We also have everything you’d need available for sale at the shop.


April 25th and May 2nd : Still Water Flies
We will be going over still water flies in preparation for the upcoming lake opener. The flies we will be tying will include a chironomid, semi-seal leech, and a simple bead head damsel nymph.
May 9th  : Intro Class

This is going to be a beginners class and is for those who who want to learn the basics of tying a fly.We will go over the different types of tools, hooks, and basic tips needed to get you started on tying your own flies. The flies we will be tying include a Carey Special, and a Pheasant Tail nymph.
 May 16th and May 23rd : Sea-run Cutthroat Flies
With summer coming up this is time we try to get fill our boxes with sea-run cutthroat flies. The flies shown in this class are our top three! They include the Wounded Sculpin, Sea Run Soft Hackle, and also the almighty Clouser Minnow.

May 30th and June 6th: Lake Crescent Flies

With the Lake Crescent opener at about this time we’ll be having a class on how to tie larger streamer patterns that we use for Lake Crescent including the Lake Crescent Special, White Krystal Bugger, and the Wounded Sculpin.

Other Info

Class sizes are limited to six people so there is more one on one time, but feel free to swing by and watch/ask questions/etc

All classes will be held from 1pm-3ish pm at Waters West. We are located at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles WA.

To sign up for any or all of these dates, just give us a call at (360) 417-0937 or email us at info@waterswest.com